About Us

The Center for Translational Imaging in Chicago serves as a nexus for innovative imaging research and clinical translational studies as well as successful training and mentoring."
Michael Markl, PhD, CTI Director
History of the Northwestern Center for Translational Imaging (CTI)
In 2002, the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Department of Radiology created a 4,500-square-foot research imaging facility that housed two whole-body magnets and an angiographic C-arm. Both magnets supported human and large animal research. The Center for Translational Imaging (CTI), formerly known as the Center for Advanced MRI or CAMRI, later expanded to 9,000 square feet, adding two whole-body magnets and a small animal imaging magnet along with ancillary space to support imaging operations for all systems. Most recently, a small animal positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) system was added to facilitate pre-clinical nuclear imaging studies.
A unique feature of our facility is the longstanding collaboration with Siemens Healthineers. Siemens research scientists work together with Northwestern University investigators to overcome challenges and develop new imaging methods. This academia-industry partnership within Northwestern's large medical center provides an ideal environment for clinical translation of novel imaging technology.
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